Here’s Slo Breathworks whimsical approach to helping folks experiencing burn out mindfully breathe!

Breathing Newsletters

  • A breath kit with a teacup, deep breaths tea, and rock to begin to build a slow breathing practice

    2024 in Six Sentences

    One of my favorite lessons I learned in 2024 was…when my breath moves into my chest and my throat constricts, it is a no. I can figure out why later.

    A risk I took that I am proud of was…applying to TedX Bard because I breathed with the fear but didn’t let it stop me from putting myself out there.

    The most breathgiving surprise of the year was…finding myself at a rugged Maine beach, watching ocean ducks bob on the cold, harsh Atlantic ocean waves.

  • Sarah holds a breath rock to anchor while an hourglass flows as she extends her exhales.

    What Does Your Breath Have to Say?

    Because, what I have discovered over the past three years is the ritual of conscious breathing daily nourishes an awareness and acceptance rooted in steadiness. The slow breaths help me shift out of the sympathetic state — the state I like to call, the “there must be a right answer to the question here” state.

    Here’s the question.

    When the breath stands still in your individual body, what is it asking you to listen to more closely?

  • Brilliant breathers look for their trees during the forest breathing workshop to welcome the season of the exhale

    What The Trees Have to Say

    The next time you notice your breath become shallow or absent — look around and find a tree, use that mirror neuron system, and remember your sweet pine, elm, sequoia, and oak self as you inhale its exhale, and it inhales your exhale.

    As Suzanne Simard wrote in Finding The Mother Tree, “We think that most important clues are large, but the world loves to remind us that they can be beautifully small.”

  • Shifting leaves colored orange, yellow, and green

    Don't Forget About The Breath's Transitions

    While studying a setting sunflower, I was reminded of how remarkable this season’s shift is in the seasons of the breath. The movement from full expansion and blooming in the lungs into the releasing and deflating of these vital organs is vulnerable. It’s a reminder that as much as we want to attach to the blossoming and ablaze of the top of the inhale, the shy surrender of the exhale is its essential compatriot.

Full Breath Features

Full Breath Features

October 2024 - Beating Burnout by Building Breathing Cultures in Bold Journey

August 2024 - Beating Burnout by Building Breathing Cultures in The Authority Magazine

June 2024 - Building an Inclusive Workplace with Mindful Breaths in CanvasRebel

December 2023 - Embracing Your Breath on The Seriously Catherine Podcast

Playful Breathing Flows

Playful Breathing Flows

Illustrative Pre-Meeting Breath Workshop in the Offbeat Illustrative Community

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BWB Autumn Equinox Flow

Breath Breaks

Breath Breaks

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