Hello! My name is Sarah Jaeger. I am so excited you are here.
Over the past four years, Slo Breathworks has bloomed from my healing journey with Long Covid and POTS as I emerged from burnout and moved through a divorce. Its legs really took root in July 2024 when I could finally look at a computer screen, walk Saratoga’s city blocks, and climb stairs with a steady heart rate, a migraine-less head, and a budding sense of safety I had not had for many years.
While I am currently running Slo Breathworks solo, Slo Breathworks is not me. It, as a business, has provided me the support and the space to learn, practice, and experiment with the breath, the nervous system, and mindfulness. At its core, Slo Breathworks is an incubator for Breath Breaks — intentional experiences, whether 1 minute or 60 minutes, to notice and take conscious breaths so individual and organizational bodies can slow down and restore.
Some Breath Breaks are al fresco, others are in banquet halls and yoga studios, others are of the virtual variety, and others are wrapped up in a thoughtful package as kits for self-breathing exploration. There are anywhere from one to hundreds of participants who courageously practice varying breathing patterns and awareness to destress and calm in these Breath Breaks. No matter the size, location, or sequence of a Breath Break, the intention is the same – for the brilliant breathers in attendance to reemerge into their day-to-day feeling more empowered with a sharpened tool, the conscious breath, to navigate stress.
I am not a therapist of the physical or mental variety. I am a breath coach. The methods I share and teach are the result of years of lived experience and dedicated learning. My background in journalism and comparative literature laid the foundation for my love for research, where I piece together the teachings of mentors and hundreds of hours of certifications to inform the Breath Breaks’ scope and flow.
My days of living with anxiety, Long Covid, and POTS, while moving through burnout and divorce all while growing a conscious breathing practice fuel my passion for helping those living with chronic pain to remember how to breathe.
The field of breathwork is constantly evolving. There is a clamoring for a quick fix and the silver bullet. I won’t give you or your team the answer to beat burnout or heal from chronic pain. What I provide you with are practical strategies, techniques, mixed with some intuitive magic to strengthen your conscious breathing practice so you can meet the waves of overwhelm, anchored and ready.
I am here in my work, in service of the precious power of mindful breaths and the infinite choice each human has to bring awareness to and slow down their breaths. I am honored that you are here.
Remember to take a slow breath.