It’s time to breathe! Select a track from below to slow down and relax into resilience.
In the seasons of the breath, the exhale hold corresponds with winter. Let this flow explore how emptiness feels in the body, physiologically and emotionally, as the lungs sit deflated.
We breathe the coherent breath - 5.5 seconds in and 5.5 seconds out - with soft holds after each exhale.
Allow for the practice of resonant breathing and heartfulness bring some calm balance to your day. This is a beautiful practice to come home to your body when your heart feels heavy or unsure.
Resonant breathing has roots in research and in the yogic tradition to cultivate connection between the mind and the brilliant body of yours.
We jump right into the conscious breathing in this track.
These three-part exhales will help induce the rest-and-digest arm of the nervous system. It will at first feel uncomfortable. Notice how you can soften into it instead of brace against the resistance.
On the exhale you want to bring attention to first your chest, then your ribs, and then your abdomen. Letting that last exhale gently and passively come out of the nose or mouth.